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Telehealth Specialist


Internal Medicine & Primary Care located in Falls Church, VA

Getting in to see your doctor may not be easy or convenient. To ensure you get the care you need when you need it, Fatima Aziz, MD, at CareLife Medical in Fairfax Virginia, offers telehealth appointments. With telehealth, you get the medical care you need wherever you may be. Find out more about telehealth and how it can work for you by calling the office most convenient to you or requesting an appointment online today.


What is telehealth?

Telehealth is a service available at CareLife Medical that allows you to get medical care and attention without an in-office visit. Instead, you meet with Dr. Aziz through safe and secure telecommunication software. All you need for a telehealth visit is a phone or computer. 

With telehealth, Dr. Aziz gets the information from you either over the phone or through a video chat. Telehealth also allows you to communicate and share information with Dr. Aziz electronically through text messaging or emailing. 


Am I a candidate for telehealth?

CareLife Medical is an internal medicine and primary care practice that focuses on delivering high-value services. Dr. Aziz determines if you’re a candidate for telehealth care after a brief phone intake or following an in-office visit.

You may be a candidate if you're a practice patient who needs to schedule a follow-up visit to manage a chronic condition, refill a prescription, or get treatment for an acute illness.

She may also consider you a candidate for telehealth if you need medical care but are unable to get to the office because of issues with transportation or concerns about catching or spreading a contagious illness. 


What can I expect during a telehealth appointment?

You can expect attentive and compassionate care during your telehealth appointment at CareLife Medical. The specifics of your visit may depend on the reason for the appointment, your current medical concerns, and your medical history.

Before your scheduled appointment, Dr. Aziz may request you send diagnostic information such as your temperature and body weight. For patients with chronic conditions, she may request your at-home glucose numbers for diabetes or blood pressure readings for high blood pressure.

Dr. Aziz then contacts you by phone or video chat and asks detailed questions about your health concerns and needs. Based on the discussion and provided information, Dr. Aziz develops a personalized treatment plan to address your unique health needs.

For prescriptions, Dr. Aziz sends requests for medication electronically to your pharmacy of choice. She may schedule follow-up telehealth appointments to monitor your health and adjust your plan as needed.

To learn more about telehealth at CareLife Medical, call the office closest to you or book an appointment online today.